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Yeah..Housework has historically been and continues to be a primarily females occupation, regardless of the fact that most married women are now in the Labouer Forces, rather than full-time housewives. Housework is a daily, seemingly endless and repetitive group of tasks.

Housework hassles Housework is one of the most common causes of arguments. Housework can become a distraction from the main issue. Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn't done it. Historically, housework has always been a female pastime.

Hunting is no more natural to men than housework is to women. No reliable study has ever estimated men's share of the housework at anything more than 1. But housework is something that plays a major role in the lives of most people. While the researchers did not follow cohabitating couples over time to see if their division of housework changed after marriage, their study provides a "snapshot" in time of couples

Married men do less housework than live-in boyfriends, finds an international survey. Husbands and wives who burn the oil all day at work are exhausted when they get home, and housework is the last thing they want to do. The main problem as I see it is that my wife can't do very much around the house because of her disability, and I am left to do the bulk of the housework. Women are usually the ones unhappy about the lack of housework help from their spouses.

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shovelling the walk before it stops snowing. It's not that men can't clean; it's just not in their nature. If the dishes aren't done, or there are no clean towels, somebody takes note.

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