Nadia Vega

Nadia recognized parting with Aldi Taher Vega felt so heavy. Forget the man who is now having love with dangdut singer Dewi Persik had also been consuming quite a long time. However, to return again to the bosom of Aldi, according to Nadia it was no longer possible. "I can not possibly make CLBK (Old Love blossomed Back)," Nadia said on the sidelines shooting video clips new single in Kemang, South Jakarta.

Relationship with Aldi also remain well maintained, but Nadia tries to keep distance, because Aldi has also been close to someone. For him the meeting will determine the intensity of his efforts to forget the Aldi, the longer we can not find it gets easier to forget, he said. "I ngejaga distance to him, so he could ngelupain. Want to start a new life," he explained. "Regardless he wants to have a girlfriend or not, I want to keep it," he added half ucapanya rectify.

Nadia is currently claimed to have been enjoying with his friends. To date this time ngak first, his heart was still intended to make friends first, he said.

Nadia himself is currently making a video clip for the single song 'Real' who created his own. The song talks about someone who wants to return to his former girlfriend. It is said that originally, this song is also a flood of ill-Nadia liver after separating from Aldi, and the newly produced today. More fun again, video clips Nadia invites his first girlfriend, named Raeshard. Speculation is mounting, there is a possibility if not to Aldi, Nadia going back to Raeshard. Everything is still a puzzle!. "The song was created not for one person aja, but for anyone who would listen. For now, here I am not ready to go out first, I want to own. A little traumatized," sangah Nadia. [dunia gadis]

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